
Wednesday 15 November 2017

Year 10 Project Based Learning 2K17

Law and Order


Topic: Special Needs
People with Special Needs are mentally and/or physically challenged. We want to raise money for Conductive Education Canterbury and we want to raise awareness in the community by promoting equal treatment.

Conductive Education Canterbury: Facebook Page

We're going to help around the Special Needs community around Hornby and make the community aware of the issue, and hope to raise funds for their branch. We plan to make posters and stick them up in local malls and schools to promote them.

Law and Order

Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
Pick a date to go visit them and make a step by step plan on what we can do.
Being given permission to leave school grounds during hours.
  • Being turned down to visiting them during hours
  • Not being able to make a plan of our actions.
Sophie, Jayden, Jack and Spencer to organise when and the plan of action.
Steps needed to achieve the goal.Once we have
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
Once we have received our plan we can act on it and fulfil our promises and make a change in the community.
Once seeing Conductive, we can make a plan and we can act on it. Seeing Conductive will give us ideas and help.
Plan not being properly organised. We will make sure the plan i well thought and get it all done.
Sophie, Jayden, Jack and Spencer

Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
Talk to the learning centre at Hornby High about local ideas that we can do at school.
  • Talking to the people in charge of the learning centre
  • Getting ideas on what we could do locally
They aren’t available and we aren’t able to get ideas from them.
Jayden, Jack, Sophie and Spencer
Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
Designing posters to raise awareness of all the different disabilities that people have and are affected by.
  • Design posters and place them around the community (with permission)
  • Advertise
  • Raise awareness
  • Our posters are poorly made and/or don’t spread the message.
  • We are not able to place the posters around the community and we can’t advertise our project
Jack, Jayden, Sophie and Spencer

Last Thursday on the 23rd of November, my group and I went to visit Conductive Education Canterbury (CEC) to talk about upcoming events and what we can do to help them. We came to an agreement how my group and I would go to CEC on Tuesday the 28th and Thursday the 30th and help around for a couple hours so the teacher aides can take a break while we do cover for them. It would be a great experience for us and teach us about how people with disabilities/special needs cope with everyday life. Some children might have verbal issues, though, and not be able to communicate directly and we'll have to read into their actions if they like certain things or not. They might also have unusual tendencies and do stuff that isn't good for them, like hitting themselves. We've just got to keep them occupied so they don't get into the tendencies while we're here. Gotta remember to take lots of pictures so we have evidence of our visit!

My mate Tawiri
Tuesday the 28th, we had our first session with the children of Conductive Education Canterbury. We walked in thinking it would be a long, boring experience that felt more like a chore than an activity, but when we actually got paired with someone, we learnt that it's actually a fun experience. Some kids had lots of energy to run around and to just have fun in general, regardless of their disability. My partner was non-verbal, but we were still able to communicate because he was able to make situations clear with his hands. He was very energetic, he looked like he could just do stuff for days. Lots of the kids were like this. Some, however, had morning tea and then they just crashed. They were asleep for the rest of our session and were very low maintenance. They had an outdoor area they could run around and work in the garden and such, or they could just stay inside and play with the toys provided, it was all there for them.

Thursday the 20th, we returned to Conductive for our second session and help out. We were supervising most of the children rather than supervising a single kid. There were lots of activities for the kids to take part in this time. There was oobleck for the kids to mess around with, they were able to draw and paint on the fence outside using textile dye, still lots toys for them to play with, everything they love was there! It wasn't as good this time because my mate Tawiri wasn't there this time, which was stink. But I was able to learn about the other kids and do stuff with them and revolving around everyone.

My reflection
My group and I researched special needs and disabilities for our PBL project. Our plan was to advertise the challenges of having special needs and to help an education branch near our school. We advertised the subject by hand drawing posters and hanging them up on school grounds. After promoting our issue, we travelled to Conductive Education Canterbury (CEC) to help around with the children (more in depth entries above). We had fun with our project and I really enjoyed it.

I think that we achieved our goals as a group. We stuck to our plan and we enjoyed doing it. I defiantly feel good about our performance and I think it showed during presentation, even if I was absent while we were presenting.

The experience really taught me about the difficulties they have with every day life. And I think that they enjoyed their time with us. Because sometimes, the thing that children need are people to look up to, someone to take note from, even if they'd never use them. It really opened my eyes to the experience, and I was sure it opened their eyes, too. I learnt a lot from these children.

I think we could've expanded our promotion to the public, so people can see how the times have changed and how they accept the special needs as equal. We could've also spend more time with the children, and maybe show them something they can't normally do. But aside from that, I think we finished our project to a high standard while sticking to the plan, and that's something that can stay the same.
