
Thursday 20 June 2019

Year 12 English - The Lifestyle Creed

The Lifestyle Creed

What does the word "creed" mean. Where else do we see this word being used?
Creed means: "A system of religious beliefs; a faith."
I see the word "creed" being used in other media, like movies and video games.

Look up any words you don’t know in this poem and then write an original sentence using the word to show that you understand its meaning.
Oleocanthal: A compound found in virgin olive oil. It is the compound responsible for the burning sensation in the back of our throat when you consume olive
Cruciferuos: Relating to or denoting plants of the cabbage.
Annals of Neurology: The Annals of Neurology is a medical journal covering neurology that was published in 2017.
Amyloid plaques: An amyloid plaque is a cell that destroys connections between cells, commonly found in the brains of patients suffering from Alzheimers.

Look up the Catholic Nicene Creed. What is it? Look up the words. Compare them to this poem. How are they similar? How are they different?
The Catholic Nicene Creed is a Catholic prayer. The Lifestyle Creed is a re-written version of the Nicene Creed, but with words that relate to the religion replaced with foods that is related to healthy eating. (e.g, "We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of all that is seen and unseen" is replaced with "We believe in brain boosters, vegetables, the Almighty, Makers of low cognitive decline of all that is seen and unseen.")

Why does the author use cut up bits of text? What effect does it have?
The author used different fonts and cut up texts in the poem because she made a collage of the Nicene Creed prayer with her adjustments over where words related to Catholic belief. In relation with the poem, The Lifestyle Creeed is also saying that God is the key to healthy living.

Why does the author use two different font styles? Compare the way they look. Why did the author do this? What do each of the font styles represent?
The author of the poem used two different font styles in her poem because she wanted the poem to look good, and to flow well. The first font looks like it is used when a word relates to the overall theme of healthy eating (e.g, brain boosters, low cognitive, olive oil, enzymes, etc.) which also are the words that have replaced the ones related to religious belief in the Nicene Creed.

Why do you think the author has juxtaposed the Nicene Creed with words such as “brain boosters”, “antioxidants”, and “good cholesterol”? What meaning is she trying to convey? Is this effective? What effect does it have on the reader?
I think that she has replaced religious words with food and chemicals that are healthy for you because the Nicene Creed talks about how God is good for a healthy lifestyle. The Lifestyle Creed simply conveys the same message but replaces words with religious background with healthy food items. This can also be conveyed as that the author of the Lifestyle Creed is saying that believing in a healthy diet is, in a similiar sense, believing in a religion.

What is the overall purpose of the poem?
I think that the overall purpose of the poem The Lifestyle Creed is to convey the message that the key to a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle is God and a healthy diet consisting of food and chemicals that are good for cognitive and brain functions.

What is the overall tone of the poem? I think that there is an overall positive tone in the poem The Lifestyle Creed. I think this because the poem discusses how to achieve a healthy lifestyle by believing in a healthy and nutritious lifestyle. The Lifestyle Creed borrows many of it's features and themes from the Catholic Nicene Creed, which discusses how to achieve a healthly lifestyle by believing in religion, and then linking the two themes together in a positive way.

What ideas do the last two lines suggest?
I think that the two lines at the end allude that following a healthy lifestyle will lead to a healthier future with better cholesterol.

Do I like the poem? Why/Why not?
It's eh.


  1. Wow, so good Spency. The word 'eh' might be a bit ambiguous, but each to their own. Have a good day Spency <3

  2. Very good! I like how you've analysed the purpose and the tone of the poem. It would be helpful if you wrote more about whether you liked the poem or not.

  3. I throughly enjoyed reading your answer about fonts it was super interesting and insightful, you are so good at this buddy keep on going Spency xoxo


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