
Tuesday 23 July 2019

Year 12 - English - Unfamiliar Texts

Unfamiliar Texts

  • Analyse the language features (break down the sentences, stanzas and structure and identify the language features used.)

  • Identify the main ideas (look for the main ideas in the text, compare the ideas to the question, find the ones that are the easiest to answer in context with the questions.)

  • Keep the paragraph structure simple and clear (keep the paragraph structure short and simple, introduction, 2-3 paragraphs, conclusion.)

  • Answer the question(s) clear (create a statement/theory based on the big idea you have chosen from the text and then answering the question based on the thesis, also using answer structures like SEXXY)

  • Explaining the language features (explaining the effect that the language feature(s) have on the audience)


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